Details of Details on Current market value and retrospective value

What is Current market value?
In financial terms, a current market value is nothing but the approximate current resale value. A CMV offers the interested parties an approximate cost to enter into a particular transaction. The sale price in an arms length transaction is usually the current market value.

Understanding Current Market Value
Current market value and financial Instrument liquidity are in close proximity. The liquidity of an asset refers to the ease through which the asset will be able to be converted from an investment to cash. The owner of the asset can convert this investment to cash at current market value.

What is a retrospective property valuation?
A retrospective property valuation or historical or backdated property valuation is the valuation of property that is done based on past date. Such evaluations are commonly used for capital gains, family law, separation, net worth and estate purposes where the current market valuation is not relevant.

Why is a retrospective valuation needed?
Such historical valuations are recommended for investment properties or property converted from primary residence to an investment property. This type of valuation is considered critical as the capital gain tax liabilities not only depend on how much a property is worth today, but the increase in its value over a period of time.

Here’s what we can do for you
Whether it’s for an estate purpose, separation purpose, taxation purpose or any other purpose; count on us to provide the current market value or the retrospective market value for your residential appraisals. We are here to attend to all your residential appraisal needs and we do our best to support all professionals like lawyers, private lenders and mortgage brokers.

Our experienced team will provide you a fair market value for division of asset purpose, networth purpose and litigation purpose as well.

*Contact details *
Get in touch with us at ( +1 (647) 297-5636 )